曼陀羅靜心夜Mandala Meditation Night

Creating a mandala is a good way to enter your own inner temple and learning to listen to the messages of your inner guidance. Meditating on the perfection of a mandala allows you to shine from within like a lantern, radiating brilliance to your surroundings.
導師: Cornelius Chan
日期: 2013年10月18日(星期五)
時間: 19:30-21:30
地點: 佐敦
費用: HK$ 600/位
優惠: HK$ 550/位 (同時參加25/10 脈輪平衡精油Chakra Balance Oil workshop)
名額有限, 請盡快報名.
如有疑問, 請聯絡Wendy Cheng查詢, 電話 97302070
或電郵 backtothenature@ymail.com

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